
Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ 

These are the most common questions about user membership, comments and moderation. If you don’t find a suitable answer to your question, please contact us by e-mail. For questions regarding your comments and moderation practices, send an e-mail to moderator@ifragasatt.se. For questions regarding your user account, or if you need help creating a user  account, send an e-mail to account@ifragasatt.se. For other questions contact us at info@ifragasatt.se.  


Creating a user account/account settings

How do I get started with commenting? 
Create your free user account by visiting signup.ifragasatt.se and follow the instructions.

Why do I have to create an account? 
To ensure discussions are free from spam, trolls and hate speech we want each user to comment using only one identity. 

Why do I have to use electronic identification? 
By using an electronic ID, we can make sure that no-one tries to fake another person’s identity and that no-one creates multiple-, fake- or trolls account. 

Is there a fee for creating an Ifrågasätt user account?
No, there are no fees connected with creating an Ifrågasätt user account. Creating a Ifrågasätt user account is 100 % free. 

 I don’t have an electronic ID, or my country is not supported. Can I still create an account? 

Yes, contact us at account@ifragasatt.se. 

How do you handle my personal data?
We take the utmost precautions to make sure your personal data is protected. As an example, all communication between the publisher site and Ifrågasätts servers are secured with SSL. All data in our databases is also encrypted. User passwords are one-way hashed and salted, for maximized protection.  

For further information, please review our privacy policy. 

How do I create an alias?
Go to your profile, which you can find via mitt.ifragasatt.se. Click or hover over your name in the upper right corner and choose Add alias (or equivalent depending on your language settings). You cannot change your alias when it has been created, so choose carefully.



Can I delete or edit my comment?
You can edit or delete your comment within ten minutes of publishing, if no-one has replied to your comment within that period. The purpose of the edit function is to enable you to fix spelling and wording errors. After ten minutes (or if someone has replied) the comment can no longer be edited or deleted. This limit exists primarily to prohibit a type of trolling, which involves publishing a hateful comment, waiting for angry replies, and then deleting the original comment. This is a behavior that is prevalent on other social media platforms.
We want the author of a comment to stand by it. If the author has changed his mind more than ten minutes after publishing, our recommendation is that the author writes a reply to explain their new position. This also makes it easier for readers to follow and understand the discussions, compared to when parts of a discussion suddenly disappear.

Do I have to comment using my real name?
Some of our partners allow using an alias when commenting. A user can only have one alias, and it cannot be changed after creation.

How do I comment using my alias?
Click on the arrow next to the button that says “Comment as” (or equivalent, depending on your language settings), and select your alias in the drop-down menu.

I cannot choose to comment using my alias. Why?
The most common reason is that the site you are visiting does not allow aliases. The reason could also be that you already have written a comment using your real name. Ifrågasätt does not allow using a real name and an alias in the same comments thread.


Moderation and guidelines

Which guidelines do I have to follow when commenting?
Our partners choose which guidelines to follow when commenting on their sites. Some sites might want to allow anything that is not clearly illegal, while some other might want to restrict cursing and swearing. Ifrågasätt follows the rules that our partners choose. The general guidelines, which apply when our partners have not specified other rules, are available here.

Who is responsible for the content of a comment?
The author of the comment is legally responsible for the content of the comment. If a crime, for example threats, libel or other illegal expressions, is committed in a comment, the author can be held legally accountable.

My comment has been deleted. Why?
Your comment probably did not follow the guidelines that we and our partners have specified. If your comment was deleted, you have received an e-mail with an explanation and a reference to the specific guideline.

My account has been suspended. Why?
If your account has been suspended Ifrågasätt’s moderators have made the decision that your account has not been compliant with Ifrågasätt’s guidelines or user agreement. If you have been suspended, you have received and e-mail with an explanation why.

I get a warning when I try to publish a comment. Why?
Our automatic text analysis has made the assessment that your comment contains words or wording that have a high risk of being non-compliant with Ifrågasätt’s user agreement or guidelines. You can still publish your comment, and it will be immediately visible, but it will be flagged, and a moderator will do a review of the comment to make sure it follows the guidelines.

Do you read all comments?
We read all comments that either has been reported by a user or flagged by our text analysis algorithms.

Is comment moderation handled solely by algorithms/AI?
No, Ifrågasätt’s system is based on a combination of automated text analysis and manual moderation.